
Connect Sunday to Your Monday

July 30th, 2023
  1. What impact does Sunday have on the rest of your week? Does it impact how you live through your week, or do you tend to compartmentalize Sunday from the rest of your week?
  2. What stood out to you from the message?
  3. Read John 17:13-19. 
    • Make some observations about this passage (What does the text say?):
      • What do you notice and what are you curious about? 
    • Make some interpretations (What does the passage mean?)
      • What do we learn about God here? 
      • What do we learn about people?  
    • Now make some applications (what’s my response?)
      • How are you encouraged, challenged, or convicted by this passage? 
      • What needs to change in your life in order to live this out? 
  1. Read Matthew 22:34-40. Thankfully, Jesus is not cryptic when it comes to discerning God’s primary calling in our lives. 
    • How does Jesus define our purpose here?
    • Do you see your Sunday through Monday through this lens? 
    • How do you incorporate this key perspective into your life and areas of influence? If you don’t, what might your life look like if you did?
  2. What is it you are passionate about that God is passionate about? Are you doing something about that passion? Why or why not? 
  3. What next step can you take to lean into the things you’re passionate about? Maybe it’s time to begin praying about it. Is this something that God wants you to act on now? If so, invite Him to open a door. How can you invite your community in to keep you accountable in taking this next step? 

Key Scriptures:

John 17:13-19

Matthew 22:34-40


A great way to observe your life to see whether or not you are connecting your Sunday through Monday is to practice the daily prayer of Examen. 

Ignatian Prayer of Examen: This prayer is a way of reviewing your day with the Lord in order to draw your attention to His presence in the day and how He is working in your heart, and then preparing your heart to be more aware of His activity in the day to come. 

Have one person guide the group through this reflective prayer. Give plenty of space after each step for the group to contemplate the questions with God. 

Step One:  Become aware of God’s presence. Invite the Holy Spirit to come and bring clarity to your day and to help you see where God was present and at work. 

Step Two: Review the day with gratitude. As you picture your day from beginning to end, note the things that happened. Where did you go? Who did you see? Express your thanksgiving to God for each gift that you come across. 

Step Three: Pay attention to your emotions. What emotions did you experience during the day? Did you feel frustration? Elation? Surprise? Anger? Anxiety? Ask the Spirit to reveal what He is trying to say through your emotions. 

Step Four: Choose one feature of the day and pray from it. What event, interaction or emotion stands out the most for you from the day? Was it positive or negative? Allow your prayer to arise from whatever it is. Does it bring up a prayer of confession and repentance? A prayer of praise? A petition? 

Step Five: Look toward tomorrow. Finally, think about tomorrow. What is coming up the next day? Ask God to prepare your heart to greet the day. Will you need His wisdom? Will you need patience? Grace? Provision? Invite the Lord to go before you in the day to come that it might be an offering of praise to Him.

Next Steps: 

  1. Consider practicing the Prayer of Examen each night as a way of aligning your heart to the Lord’s and discerning the ways He is at work in your life and how you can partner with Him. For a detailed version of this practice, refer to Part 2 of the Application section in the Humility Outcome: https://www.gatewaychurch.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Humility-Outcome-final.pdf
  2. For further study on Spiritual Gifts, consider walking through the Spiritual Gifts outcome found here: https://www.gatewaychurch.com/resources/spiritual-gifts/


This week, kids hear about Jacob and Esau being reunited after their falling out.

  • THE BIBLE:  Jacob and Esau Meet Again: Genesis 32:6-21, 33:1-11
  • THE BIG IDEA: We always belong in God’s family.

ASK THIS: Because sometimes you and your kid need a conversation-starter that isn’t, “So . . . how was church?”

  • What are some ways you can show peace with others?
  • When is it easy to forgive? When is it difficult? How can we still have peace even when it’s difficult?


This month, your kids are memorizing the Bible verse

  • Galatians 6:10 (NIV), in case you want to work on them together.
  • Preschool: “Let us do good to everyone…” Galatians 6:10a
  • Elem: “Let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.” Galatians 6:10 (NIV)

NEXT WEEK we’re starting a new series on our Key Concepts!