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Ukraine Update

Here is an update from Gateway’s Kirby Holmes, Director of Slavic Partnerships for Storyline Missions.

Voices 2022- Ben Sledge

JULY 24 VOICES 2022- BEN SLEDGE This Sunday, “Sledge” is coming back to Gateway! Long-time Gatewayers know how compelling and hilarious Sledge is as a speaker. You may also know him from his work on Medium.com where he writes primarily on mental health. His new book Where Cowards Go To Die, is a memoir from…

Voices 2022 – Dr. Sarah Salviander

Dr. Sarah Salviander was raised as an atheist in Canada and grew up to become an astrophysicist, author, and follower of Christ. While studying for her doctorate, a Ph.D. in Astrophysics from the University of Texas at Austin, she found so much compelling evidence for God in her scientific work that she chose to follow Jesus. In a world where science and faith are often seen at odds, for Dr. Salviander, you can say: “Science helped her find faith.”

Voices 2022- Dr. Sarah Salviander

JULY 17 VOICES 2022- Dr. Sarah Salviander Dr. Sarah Salviander was raised as an atheist in Canada and grew up to become an astrophysicist, author, and follower of Christ. While studying for her doctorate, a Ph.D. in Astrophysics from the University of Texas at Austin, she found so much compelling evidence for God in her…

Voices 2022 – Anne Beiler

The entrepreneur and founder of “Auntie Anne’s Pretzels” shares her own story “about nearly losing everything, finding purpose in the pain, and rising to a new level of success.” Having sold her business, Anne is now a speaker and an author whose new book Overcome and Lead makes a promise: “Overcome yourself and you can overcome any obstacle.”


JULY 10-31 VOICES We all love a great story, and this summer we’ve got some great ones to share! We have an unlikely pretzel maker, an astrophysicist, a war veteran, and an expert in Generation Z. Each week you and those you invite will be inspired and even more equipped to live your great story!…

The Church Has Left The Building

The Church is not a service or a building. The church is actually the people who come together to follow Jesus. As our nation celebrates our independence on July 4th, Gateway Church will be mobilized throughout the city to love our neighbor. Whether by serving those in need, hosting a party, helping at a neighborhood parade, or inviting friends over to watch the Online Inspire Service, this Sunday the Church has left the building!

The Church Has Left The Building

 JULY 3 THE CHURCH HAS LEFT THE BUILDING                                                                                             The…

The Church Has Left The Building

When I say Scott and Carolann / Paula and Karen, these names may not mean anything to you.  But for my family and I, these are the people who we call neighbors.  We watch out for each other, bring food when someone is sick, dog sit, and hang out at neighborhood gatherings.   Our neighborhood has…

Love Your Neighbor

We live in a culture where semantics is everything. If we assume that otherpeople have the same exact definition of a particular word or phrase, then wecan often misunderstand or misinterpret one another. When Libby and I first started dating I used the phrase “weird” to describesomething. For me, weird meant different, an anomaly, but…

Love Your Neighbor

When asked to choose the most important and greatest commandment, Jesus pointed towards loving God and loving your neighbor as yourself. He summarized all 613 commandments in the Hebrew Scriptures into these two interconnected ideas. The world is a better place when we decide to love our neighbors.

Love Your Neighbor

JUNE 26 LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR                                                                                                    …