

10 Tips for Taming the Tongue (And the Thumbs)

Taming the tongue (or your thumbs) isn’t easy. We all struggle with saying or typing things we regret. Here are 10 tips for dealing with a wild tongue.

A Growth Mindset

Having a growth mindset is knowing that we don’t know everything. It’s walking in humility and learning from everyone and everything.

Karma and Jesus

he doctrine of Karma does sound a little like what the Bible teaches about sowing and reaping. There are earthly consequences for our actions, but the other side of it is Jesus – who paid for all our wrongs.

Be Transformed

To truly know and love someone well, we have to be willing to learn, ask questions, make mistakes, and keep trying. It takes work, but working hard to know someone we love is ALWAYS worth the effort. 

The Prayer of Serenity

Solomon had wisdom beyond imagination, but even he failed to completely live by God’s wisdom. And there were many who came before and after him who showed potential but ultimately failed as well.

The Prayer of Jabez

We’re not meant to see this prayer as a magical mantra to get God to do what we want; instead, what this prayer demonstrates is that God hears the prayers of those who seek Him; it is a reminder to God’s people (and to us) to not give up praying during difficult circumstances.

Rest and God

How often have you taken children, your own, your grandkids, nieces, or nephews, and they just don’t want to go to sleep? Rest is supposed to be very good for them, but they don’t want it.

Prayer when you don’t have words

A prayer for the times you feel powerless. For the times you are struggling, but don’t have the words.

A Prayer of Confession

The beauty of the Psalms is that they show us how to pray in every situation—through every emotion, through good and bad times. So, let David’s words be a guide to us in how to pray through our slip-ups.

Loving Our City, Nation, and World Through Prayer – Day 6

****This day’s devotional includes a time of prayer using a prayer guide of scriptures and prayers crafted using those scriptures. It is designed to help you pray God’s words over […]

Receiving God’s Forgiveness – Day 5

Pray First is an opportunity to start off 2023 doing what matters most above all—connecting with God and growing in relationship with Him. As we enter a new year, we want to collectively pursue God through prayer and daily connection with Him churchwide. As a church we know that apart from connection with Him we cannot experience the transformation we long for in our lives and in the lives of those in our city and spheres of influence. Taking time to put Him first, sets us on the trajectory personally and collectively to experience the transformative power of His love that comes from regular connection with Him. Join us as we learn to grow in recognizing His voice and experiencing His presence together as we kick off 2023 with Pray First!

Power of Forgiveness – Day 4

Pray First is an opportunity to start off 2023 doing what matters most above all—connecting with God and growing in relationship with Him. As we enter a new year, we want to collectively pursue God through prayer and daily connection with Him churchwide. As a church we know that apart from connection with Him we cannot experience the transformation we long for in our lives and in the lives of those in our city and spheres of influence. Taking time to put Him first, sets us on the trajectory personally and collectively to experience the transformative power of His love that comes from regular connection with Him. Join us as we learn to grow in recognizing His voice and experiencing His presence together as we kick off 2023 with Pray First!