
Fast and Furious

How many times have you wanted something and wanted it NOW? Impatience and anger are often just under the surface waiting for us to explode. At times, this anger can even be justified. How can we know? How can we resist exploding and properly channel anger? Through the power of God, we can develop the character to tame our Fast and Furious impulses.

Fast and Furious – Pursue God’s Provision

July 5, 2020 Eric Bryant

Frustrated with 2020 yet? A pandemic. Injustice. Isolation. An election year. This year seems to be piling it on. As we feel our blood boiling at our circumstances or simply annoyed that life is not happening the way we’d like, we can find ourselves constantly stressed. How can we overcome the brewing anger and impatience that stems from our circumstances? How can we find a path filled with peace and patience despite what the world is throwing our way? Join us as we dig into these questions and more in our four-week message series, Fast and Furious.

Fast and Furious :: Wait on God’s Timing

June 28, 2020 Kenny Green

Frustrated with 2020 yet? This year seems to be piling it on. And, in our impatience, we want it all to end now. Imagine if you learned to trust that God had better things planned instead of getting caught up in what’s happening in our world? It is possible to navigate this Fast and Furious world with God as our guide.

Fast and Furious :: Live with God’s Heart (like David)

June 21, 2020 Carlos Ortiz

Happy Father’s Day! Today we’re taking a look at David to help us learn how to be a person after God’s own heart. In this Fast and Furious world, what does it really take to trust God, trust God’s ways, trust God’s timing, and trust God’s process?

Fast and Furious :: See with God’s Perspective (unlike Saul)

June 14, 2020 Carlos Ortiz

How many times have you wanted something and wanted it NOW? Impatience and anger are often just under the surface waiting for us to explode. At times, this anger can even be justified. How can we know? How can we resist exploding and properly channel anger? Through the power of God, we can develop the character to tame our Fast and Furious impulses.