

January 7, 2024 - January 28, 2024

Step into a brand-new year with our upcoming series, "Fresh". Just as many of us aim for healthier choices in January, we're exploring various prayers from the Bible as revitalizing "recipes" for a transformed life. Each prayer serves as a distinct ingredient in our spiritual journey, offering the reality of forgiveness, renewal, strength, and guidance. Embracing the desire for a fresh start, we'll unpack these prayers, each one a potent tool for igniting change within.

The Prayer For Wisdom

Week #5 February 4, 2024 Carlos Ortiz

We should pray for wisdom to make the best decisions for ourselves and others, with God’s guidance.

The Prayer That Came Out of Nowhere

Week #4 January 28, 2024 Eric Bryant

The prize of prayer is not health and wealth; it’s God Himself.

The Prayer For Living, Not Dying

Week #3 January 21, 2024 Carlos Ortiz

Prayer is understanding God cares deeply about you and your needs.

The Prayer When You Don’t Have Words

Week #2 January 14, 2024 Carlos Ortiz

The greatest ability we have in prayer is simply availability.

The Prayer for Screw Ups

Week #1 January 7, 2024 Carlos Ortiz

When we fail, we are invited to run to God, not run from God.