Future Ready
September 10, 2023 - October 1, 2023
Being Future Ready isn’t about technological savviness or hustling to make a name for yourself. Being Future Ready means making the most of the time, resources, and opportunities you’ve been given, here and now. Being Future Ready isn’t about manufacturing a moment, it’s about not missing the moment in front of you. It isn’t about waiting for some far-off glorious destination. It’s about creating a beautiful journey, one step at a time.
The Butterfly Effect
Week #4 October 1, 2023 Kenny Green
The smallest decisions ripple into eternity.
Holy Living
Week #3 September 24, 2023 Carlos Ortiz
In order to change our tomorrow, change must first start within us.
Living Whole
Week #2 September 17, 2023 Carlos Ortiz
In order to be ready for the future we must allow ourselves to be restored holistically.
All You Have Is Now
Week #1 September 10, 2023 Carlos Ortiz
You can’t change your past, but you can create the future. You have been given one life. How are you going to make it count?