Passion: One Week That Changed Everything
April 4, 2022 - April 17, 2022
We are so shaped by the story of Jesus that we don’t even realize that our superheroes follow this narrative. They make a sacrifice for the sake of others, and against all odds come back from the brink of death. So many films include that narrative! The story of Jesus resonates because we need a hero and long to be a hero. Discover the true story of the One who can truly rescue us as we look at how Jesus demonstrated His passion for us and how we can overcome the challenges we face to rescue those we love.
Easter at Gateway
Week #3 April 17, 2022 John Burke
Jesus willingly suffered on behalf of humanity. He took upon himself all of the evil and sin ever committed or ever will be committed. The result was his death on a cross, yet on the third day, Jesus rose from the dead! The greatest miracle in history changed everything! Jesus demonstrated He truly was God among us! Now through Him, we can truly live - now and into eternity!
The Passover
Week #1 April 10, 2022 Eric Bryant
Knowing his time with his followers was limited, Jesus brought them together for one last meal. Jesus demonstrated his love and power by washing their feet, sharing with them about the coming Holy Spirit, and sharing with them about the importance of sacrifice. The night ended with his betrayal from one of his own followers, and his response surprised those closest to him and remains a great example for all of us.
Palm Sunday
Week #1 April 3, 2022 John Burke
Passion. Webster’s dictionary defines “passion” as “the sufferings of Christ between the night of the Last Supper and his death.” Passion isn’t something we like or something we really enjoy. Genuine passion is what we are willing to die for. God demonstrated His passion for you and me by sending His Son to give His life for us. The week in the life of Jesus called “Passion Week” began with a cheering crowd and a stand for justice.