We all want to be our best selves, but what does that require? How can we become the loving, life-giving person we all desire to be? Self-awareness. Self-awareness is a key trait that predicts success in relationships at home, at work, and at school. Yet, it’s so difficult to cultivate. We all know people who don’t see themselves as others do—in fact—that’s fairly pervasive. However, we seem to think we’re immune to this same lack of awareness. Maybe, we’re not. Maybe, we aren’t as self-aware as we’d like to be. How can you know? Join us August 9-23 for our Self Aware series as we explore how to be confident in our self-awareness before God and those around us. Invite a friend, or, maybe even, that particular “someone” in your life that could use a good look in the mirror. We’ll never tell why you invited them!
See Your World
August 23, 2020 Eric Bryant
See Your Household
August 16, 2020 John Burke
See Yourself
August 9, 2020 John Burke