True North
Have you been left wondering how the chaos of 2020 could fit into the plan of a loving God? Join us this Sunday as we begin a new series called True North and explore how we can know and give thanks that there is a loving God able to intervene, heal, and guide us in the right direction in the midst of uncertainty and struggle.
The Son of Man
November 29, 2020 Eric Bryant
Have you ever made a poor decision that left you isolated, even ostracized? Maybe it wasn’t even your fault. What’s your next step? How can God take your situation and turn it around? This Sunday, we’ll be talking about how God works His purposes even when He allows all of us to make our own decisions.
Willing Sacrifice
November 22, 2020 John Burke
?Ever felt like God was asking more of you than you could handle? This week we will explore someone in the Bible that experienced just that. He stepped into the situation with trust and saw God come through at the last minute. What are you experiencing right now? Do you feel that God is absent? Discover how God may be wanting to take action in your life just in time.
Snake Crusher
November 15, 2020 John Burke
At times, it can be hard to keep believing that God truly has a plan, and if we could know what it is. The Scriptures reveal that God is at work to accomplish His purposes. In fact, the Scriptures share a unified story that points towards Jesus. He is God’s plan to rescue humanity. This was not an afterthought nor an accident. From the beginning pages of the Scriptures, we can see God at work to redeem His creation. This gives us hope that He is at work in our lives even now.