What Is The Bible Good For?
October 10, 2021 - October 24, 2021
When we need clarity, wisdom, peace, comfort, or rest, we have ancient wisdom which can guide us towards what we want. Unfortunately, many of us have given up on the Bible or consider it irrelevant to life. It is true, the Bible has been misunderstood, misinterpreted, and even used for the agenda of people who did not have the heart of God or were a product of their times. When we come to the Scriptures with an open heart and open mind, we will discover God waiting to speak to us and ready to meet even our deepest needs.
Is the Bible the Word of God?
Week #3 October 24, 2021 Eric Bryant
God speaks to us in many ways, but often the problem is we are not listening. One of the ways He speaks to us is through the Scriptures. The Bible is not a rule book or an encyclopedia, but instead “the Bible is a unified story that leads to Jesus” (BibleProject.com). When we connect with God personally, the Scriptures become one of our weapons to fight evil in our world and in our lives. The Bible can become a portal into God’s presence.
Is The Bible Relevant Today?
Week #2 October 17, 2021 Carlos Ortiz
God created us for a relationship. His love letter, his truth, is available to us through the Scriptures. There will be questions and there will be moments of pause, but the Bible can be the foundation on which we build our lives. The Bible is relevant by helping us understand who God is and how to live a new life under His leadership and with His guidance. Transformation comes when we engage God through the Scriptures.
Is The Bible Really From God?
Week #1 October 10, 2021 John Burke
When we need clarity, wisdom, peace, comfort, or rest, we have ancient wisdom which can guide us towards what we want. Unfortunately, many of us have given up on the Bible or consider it irrelevant to life. It is true, the Bible has been misunderstood, misinterpreted, and even used for the agenda of people who did not have the heart of God or were a product of their times. When we come to the Scriptures with an open heart and open mind, we will discover God waiting to speak to us and ready to meet even our deepest needs.