
Why is Life So Difficult?

We are all guaranteed to have some difficulties in our lives. But despite the storms of life that inevitably come our way, there’s a way through them that can make us overcomers too. How could shifting our perspective change how we perceive our trials?

The Payoff of Pain

June 9, 2019 Rick Shurtz

None of us likes to experience pain or pressure in our lives. But sometimes the hardest times in our lives can prove to also be the most important times. How can we identify the payoff to our pain?

The Path to Joy is Hard

June 2, 2019 John Burke

In life, we all naturally want to avoid pain and discomfort in exchange for comfort, pleasure, and success. But what if suffering didn’t have to be pointless? What if moments of pain could lead us right to the amazing joy we all crave?

Suffering Defeats Evil

May 26, 2019 John Burke

In a society that has reduced many of life’s hardships through modern medicine, social justice, technology, and democracy, we’ve become more sensitive to the suffering we can’t escape. We find ourselves crushed by it, sometimes because of trivial things and other times because of true tragedy. If God offers us resilience, joy, and redemption by trusting Him, are we willing to take those steps of faith?

We’re Not Home

May 19, 2019 John Burke

We are all guaranteed to have some difficulties in our lives. But despite the storms of life that inevitably come our way, there’s a way through them that can make us overcomers too. How could shifting our perspective change how we perceive our trials?