

Passion Week Reading Plan

Set aside 10 minutes a day and read through these passages in the Gospels that walk you through what happened on that day. Then, process what you notice and learn.

How To Share Your Story

Everyone loves to hear a good story. During your Life Group experience, telling your story and hearing everyone else’s will be one of the most powerful things that you will do.

Thanks For The Feedback

Follow the link above to watch the video, then send the Self-Awareness study below to 2-3 people

Daily Prayer for Freedom

The Daily Prayer for freedom is a prayer written with the truth about God, you, and the needs of your day. These truths have been pulled from the Bible and written as a prayer for you to know who you are, what is true about you, and God’s relationship to you today.

Letter from God

In light of what scripture says about how God views you, ask God the following questions, listen to what He says & write a letter to yourself from God by writing how He responds to each of these questions

The Sacred Pathways Assessment

How do you relate to God? Take this assessment and find out which of the nine Spiritual Pathways best describes you.

Sacred Pathways Assessment

Take the assessment. Then, plan three activities or excursions to worship God – something familiar, something from your past, and something totally new.