

April 7, 2024 - May 19, 2024

In this series we are hoping to re-present relationships in the larger context of our church family. Oftentimes we segment our relational/romantic lives from our spiritual lives. But what we are invited to is merging these things together with the extended family we can become for each other. It’s in this reality that we can pursue wholeness, accountability, healing, and love.

The One Where I Heal

Week #7 May 19, 2024 Carlos Ortiz

When we truly trust Jesus, He often chooses to heal us in the context of community- our friends.

The One Where It Takes a Village

Week #6 May 12, 2024 Carlos Ortiz

At some point our relationships will become strained, but we aren’t meant to face these challenges alone.

The One With The Vows

Week #3 May 5, 2024 Jesse Sampson

Marriage is not a contract; it is a covenant with God and our spouse to grow in love, trust, and intimacy.

The One Where I’m Looking For The One

Week #3 April 28, 2024 Carlos Ortiz

Our romantic relationships are not meant to complete us, they are meant to complement the work of God in us.

The One With Me, Myself, and God

Week #3 April 21, 2024 Carlos Ortiz

Singleness is a gift to embrace and enjoy, not a season to rush or avoid.

The One Where I Deal With My Past

Week #2 April 14, 2024 Carlos Ortiz

God desires for us to unlearn unhealthy patterns and behaviors we saw or experienced, so that we do not repeat them.

The One Where I Know Myself

Week #1 April 7, 2024 Carlos Ortiz

Our identity must be rooted in Christ, or we will try and find ourselves in everyone else.